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Southampton University GDP - Operation Deep Sleep: KRAKEN



MSc Group Design Project Team: KRAKEN

Martin Garcia (Mexico) - Team Leader
Beichen Lin (China) - Systems Integrator
German Moreno (Colombia) - Production Manager


University of southampton, Southamtpon, Unithed Kingdom 201S


The Operation “Deep Sleep” a.k.a. the Upward Falling Payloads program currently developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (see more here) is a concept that aims to implement a global infrastructure for storing mission-critical objects and payloads at the "bottom of the sea”. Such payloads will be in a dormant state for years at a time until deployed to provide support or perform specific tasks.

As Popular Science describes it, it's a sleeping archive of " 'upward falling' robots that can hide on the seafloor for years [and] launch on demand."

The University of Southampton set the objective for this Group Design Project to develop an undersea platform that would house, maintain, initialize and release an individual encapsulated unmanned aerial vehicle upon external cueing.
The encapsulated air vehicle will be ejected from the undersea platform, float to the surface, launch, fly a minimum range and conduct one or more missions.


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